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Don't be a wimp! Get ripped!
Slogan in "Chapter Ten: The Killer"

Ripped City is an athletic gymnasium located in Blue Valley, Nebraska. It was owned and operated by the former star athlete, Lawrence 'Crusher' Crock.

When Larry was arrested for robberies committed in the past, Ripped City went out of business and the building itself was renovated into the bookstore, The House of Secrets. When Larry was released from prison, he reopened his gym in the same location. Following Larry's murder, the future of the gym is left unsure.


The gym was presumably founded by Crusher when the ISA came to Blue Valley. Crusher had a strong connection with its patrons, as they enthusiastically called out 'yeah!' when hearing a new member professing to wanting to 'get ripped'. The gym has a a simple but effective way of operating, eschewing modern health terminology in favor of old-school methods of intense training.


Season 1[]

Pain is your friend.
Slogan in "S.T.R.I.P.E."

Crusher welcomes Pat to Blue Valley by appearing at The Pit Stop. He introduces himself as Larry Crock, though his friends call him Crusher. He owns the gym down the street, bragging that they offer boot camp classes to get in-shape, not-so-subtly noting that Pat could use the workout. He continues to promote his business as Pat nervously states he needs to set up the garage before he can join any gyms.[1]

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The next day, Pat lurks outside of Ripped City and looks in the windows at the trainees. He lumbers into the gym still eating his burger when he is startled by Larry who suddenly appears and snatches the food Pat is eating out of his hand. He scolds Pat for bringing the unhealthy food into his gym and throws it away. Pat nervously apologizes to Larry, only for them both to correct that his name is Crusher. Larry asks how he's doing only to counter that doesn't look well and asks what's going on. Pat explains that he's been thinking of getting on a cardiovascular wellness program. Larry shakes his head saying he doesn't know that is. Pat explains that he calls it "getting ripped", promoting Larry to shout "ripped" loudly and it echoes throughout the trainers and trainees. He tells Pat not to be ashamed to say "ripped" telling him that they can do this. He talks over Pat telling him to get some clothes off the rack, go back there, get changed, and come out and they'll get started. He doesn't pay attention to Pat, who wanted to sign up now and come back next week. Larry dismisses the idea saying they're starting right now and to go. Pat goes along with the gesture and Larry shouts to "come on, baby" and smacks Pat's butt yelling at him to get pumped. He smacks his hands together saying this is his house.

Larry takes Pat under his wing and gets him started on weight lifting as he motivationally speaks that his father used to say to want the pain and make pain his friend. Pat then beings to do leg exercises as Larry stands close to pat's face telling him he's making choices for his future self right now - his better self who is going to thank him for it. He then has his new trainee do crunches with a weight, and Pat asks how long they've been doing this. Larry checks his watch and responds three minutes, with only fifty-seven more to go. He smiles as he watches Pat breathily work out.[2]

Season 2[]

Ripped City ultimately closes when Larry and his wife Paula are arrested for several crimes.[3] The gym converts into a bookstore called House of Secrets.[4]

Season 3[]

Upon his release from prison,[5] Larry decides to reopen Ripped City.[6] The night of the gyms grand opening, Paula and Larry are the only ones inside. Paula punches a heavy bag, before turning to Larry. It's only a matter of time before they find out, which he knows. She punches the heavy bag with a growl, sending it flying backwards into the wall. She sighs and looks back at him.[7]

Rick Tyler breaks into the gym by knocking open the locked back door. He tests his super strength using a barbell weight. He does effortless reps and curls. As his timer increases, he adds more and more weight. When the timer passes the one hour mark, he adds the last plate to the bell. He lifts it over his head three times. He sets it back down with a grin and gives a celebratory shout. He's oblivious to the camera recording him, sending a feed to a lair where a figure growls while watching.[8]




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