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Green Lantern's Power Battery was a battery that was once owned by the Green Lantern during his days as a member of the Justice Society of America. After his death, the power battery was placed in the JSA's headquarters for safekeeping, until it was stolen by Courtney Whitmore.

The battery's primary function is to charge Green Lantern's ring, though it was rendered obsolete when Jennie-Lynn Hayden came into her powers and became the battery herself. She absorbed the battery's energy and consequently destroyed the lantern.


This relic resembles a vintage electric lantern of a design similar to those centuries before the 21st Century. Seemingly constructed of some dull green and aged green metal or alloy, it has a short and cylindrical main body tiered from atop and the light's source through of which the energy it forwardly emits being round and found at the lantern's front. A thin and circular ring tethered to its top serves as the handle.


On December 24, 2010, the Green Lantern presumably used this power battery in a fight against the Injustice Society of America. He was unfortunately killed during the battle.[1]

The power battery was then taken to the JSA's headquarters by Pat Dugan. The lantern remained dormant.[2]


Ten years later, Courtney Whitmore decided to rebuild the JSA. She stole several weapons from the JSA's headquarters, and amongst them, was the power battery.[2]

Courtney initially stored the lantern and the other artifacts in a gym bag in her closet. She was later forced to move them to her school locker to avoid her mother's prying eyes. Storing them proved difficult and she remarked that the lantern kept the locker from closing properly. With the help of Yolanda Montez, Courtney was able to fit the bag in the locker.[3]

A suspicious Pat wandered into Courtney's room when the power battery began to flash a bright green light rhythmically. He begrudgingly walked over to the bag and opened it, where the battery continued to flash. He lifted it and the battery stopped flashing. It was then that he realized what Courtney was up to.[4]

Months after the defeat of the Injustice Society of America, Courtney still believed that there was a threat out there that need the JSA to defeat it. At four in the morning, Pat found an obsessed Courtney surrounded by the JSA's artifacts and ISA folders. He convinced her to go to bed, though as they walked out of the basement, the power battery lit up. It glowed a bright green before going black and glowing once more. The next night, Jennie broke into the Whitmore-Dugan household and stole the battery. As she was leaving, she was spotted by Courtney and the two began an intense battle. Jennie wielded the lantern and shot a blast of green energy at Courtney. The power was strong enough to send the girl flying backwards, but not strong enough to actually harm her. They exchanged blasts and attacks before Pat emerged, having heard the commotion. The girl revealed herself as the daughter of Green Lantern.[5]

Powers and Abilities[]

According to Pat Dugan, the power battery is extremely powerful and, if mishandled, could kill a person. However, it is merely a portable vessel of power that is ironically powerless on its own without its affiliated ring; both items must work in unison with the lantern acting as the power-source and the ring as the conduit in order for the user to tap into and channel the green energy that these objects share with each other. When paired together by the same owner, the lantern's powers are controlled by the wielder's emotions. This is notably seen when the battery reflected Jennie's anxiety by pulsing or vibrating. However, her constant presence and apprenticing usage of her father's ring was too much for the lantern to handle, as part of its energy was somehow inherited by the girl. Jennie and the lantern, two containers of the same energy resonating with each other destabilized the lantern when Jennie experienced emotional upheaval. This put the battery in a state of flux and risk of self-destruction had she not absorbed the energy. Jennie never required the lantern to recharge the ring, having always fueled her ring with her own green energy. This power was made stronger when she absorbed the lantern's energy for herself.

  • Energy Projection: The battery, when used together with its ring, can emit strong green blasts of energy capable of moving a human being. The beams are controlled by the wielder and manifested on command; however, this is a "raw" and most basic application of the lantern's stored power that could not be incited otherwise without collaboration with the ring.
  • Ring Charging: The battery contained an extremely powerful unknown energy source that had the ability to charge Green Lantern's Ring. The ring required charging once a day or the wearer lose all power. In Jennie's case, being essentially a living battery for that exact energy herself, she has been able to subtly charge hers by limited degrees, enough to allow it to guide her to the lantern's whereabouts.



Stargirl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3

Notes and Trivia[]


