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Chapter Three: The Blackmail also titled Frenemies - Chapter Three: The Blackmail is the third episode of the third season of Stargirl, and the twenty-ninth episode overall. This episode aired on September 14, 2022 on The CW.


FINDING BALANCECourtney and the JSA receive an anonymous tip that could help in their murder investigation. Meanwhile, after being told to find balance, Sylvester looks into potential jobs in Blue Valley, while also trying to figure out who he is without his Starman identity.


Sylvester parks his car in the alley and gets out, walking along Main Street. He watches patrons talk happily and eyes the odd sight of a citizen walking their pig on a leash. He stops at a coffee cart and asks for their best cup of coffee. He walks down the sidewalk and takes a sip, only to spit it out seconds later. It's the worst thing he's ever tasted. He tosses the cup away and walks into Richie Rock's Diner. Maria greets him chipperly, telling him to sit wherever he would like. He mutters under his breath that everything here is quaint. He takes a seat at the counter and sips a cup of tea, which he remarks is the bet tea he's ever had. Maria proudly states she's told it's the best in America. Maria walks off to wait on a customer, leaving Sylvester alone for a few moments.

Yolanda nervously approaches him, asking how breakfast is. He chipperly responds that the eggs are overdone, the toast is burnt, and who needs crispy hash browns when soggy is the way to go. He reads her name tag, Yolanda, and she adds her surname. He recognizes the name as belonging to Wildcat. She knows she's no Ted Grant. Sylvester chuckles that he was a real piece of work, but they were friends. She wonders what Ted would have thought of her. Ted would have thought she was a badass, which makes Yolanda grin. Ted was tough on everyone and so is Yolanda, which is good. He saw people for who they were and didn't let them slide just because it was the polite thing to do. The way she won't let Dragon King's kid off the hook, is very Ted, and good judgment. She thanks him as she stands a bit straighter. He asks what she actually does around Blue Valley when she's not going after the ISA or fighting Eclipso. For her, there's school, church, and work. He's way past school, church was never his thing, but work is an idea. Yolanda smirks, realizing Courtney's been telling him to find balance. He knows Courtney's right as he can't be Starman 24-7 anymore, especially in this town. It's not like there's danger around every corner. Yolanda gets called away to a customer, so Sylvester returns to his dissatisfying breakfast. Sofus and Lily Mahkent pass the window of Richie's and see Sylvester sitting there. They stop to watch him for a moment before continuing on their way.

Meanwhile, at the Whitmore-Dugan House, Courtney makes a big breakfast for the family. Barbara is happy by the meal, asking what the special occasion is. Courtney claims there is none, but Mike thinks she's still kissing up for ditching school. Pat remarks that it looks great and thanks her. She smiles that she learned from the best. As the family sits for their waffles, Courtney jumps back to what's important. They know The Shade was at the diner when The Gambler was killed, which puts them back at square one. They know the killer has incredible strength and that The Gambler was stabbed in the heart with something, which is why there was so much blood. Barbara stops drinking her juice and puts it back on the table. It's a little too much murder talk in the morning for her liking. Mike shrugs it off as he grabs a waffle - it doesn't bother him. Barbara asks if Sylvester is coming up, but Pat tells everyone he went on a walk to find balance, and get to know the real Blue Valley. Mike snorts that he's going to be disappointed. Pat disagrees, because Blue Valley is the perfect place to hit the old reset button. If someone can't find balance here in the heartland, he doesn't think they can find it anywhere. Mike asks if he works for the chamber of commerce. Crusher, Paula, and Artemis Crock arrive suddenly. Crusher agrees with Pat - balance is important, starting with a balanced breakfast. He throws away the waffles as that stuff will kill him. Artemis cheerfully greets Courtney, presenting Quinoa and tofu bowls alongside Paula, who knows Barbara will love it. Larry tells everyone to pull up a chair as the whole family's on the program now. They join the family, ignoring the awkward tension that arises. Larry pulls Mike and Pat into a three-way hug and tells Mike to dig in. The boy laughs nervously and Larry stares him down, repeating for him to dig in.

Beth and Rick drive down the street in his car. She wears her goggles for a video chat with her mom. Bridget is in disbelief that they still don't know who killed The Gambler, conferencing in Beth's father as he'll want to hear about this. He questions if this is about The Gambler, pressing that he can't believe he worked with supervillains. Beth can't talk about it right now. She has to run, but tells her parents to have a good day. They're still chattering away when she hangs up. She smiles nervously at Rick, apologizing for that. He thinks her parents being so into her being Dr. Mid-Nite is kind of cool. She shrugs at the idea, then asks if his uncle ever gets in the way of him being Hourman. Rick tenses as he admits that Matt's gone, which surprises Beth. He doesn't know where he went and sure as hell doesn't care. Just as she's about to respond, her goggles flick on and make a clinking noise. He glances over to ask what it is, but she's not sure, as she's never heard the goggles make this sound before. She sees bank statements appear in the lenses. Someone is forwarding her a bunch of documents. She thinks The Gambler was blackmailing someone. He asks who sent it to her, but it doesn't say. They exchange looks of confusion.

In the underground tunnels, Cindy sits in the ISA headquarters while typing on The Gambler's laptop. A pop-up tells her she successfully sent the files to Beth Chapel. She types into the computer and finds an archive of the Dragon King files, though it's locked behind a password. She enters her first guess and a cartoon figure of The Gambler pops up - he's sorry to say that's the wrong password. This process repeats itself over and over again, as The Gambler keeps mocking her to try again.

Cindy waits for Courtney by her locker, greeting her as new girl. She asks if there's any updates on the JSA front. Courtney admits there is - apparently, The Gambler's been blackmailing someone, they just don't know who yet. Cindy crosses her arms, remarking "huh". Courtney points out that she doesn't seem surprised. Cindy brushes it off - birds fly, fish swim, and blackmailers blackmail. Courtney looks away and agrees in morose, forcing Cindy to ask what's going on. Courtney just thought The Gambler was trying to be a better person for his daughter. Cindy understands, but lots of bad fathers talk the talk. It doesn't mean anything unless they actually follow through. She asks what Starman thinks, but he's taking the day off to find balance. Courtney eyes Cameron Mahkent who walks past the girls to find his locker. Cindy notices the fleeting stares and smirks, asking if Courtney has balance. The girl scoffs that she's balance. She made breakfast this morning - waffles. Cindy mocks surprise over how far she's come finding a life outside of Stargirl. Courtney sighs and brushes off the remark. Beth is tracking the accounts, so they'll hopefully have an update soon. She'll see her a lunch. Cindy walks away and Courtney walks over to Cameron's locker, smiling nervously as she greets him. He looks at her coolly but doesn't say anything. He puts his book in his locker and walks off. She watches him go, confused.

Barbara starts her morning at The American Dream when Paula suddenly intercepts her, taking her into the office by her arm. They have a problem. The German chocolate cake was a big at the Women's Rotary Club. Barbara thinks that's great, but questions the statement when Paula gives her a dumbfounded expression. It's a nightmare. They want her to give an initiation speech at tomorrow's meeting. She doesn't know how to do that or what to talk about. Barbara advises that she talk about what she's looking forward to doing whatever it is the Women's Rotary Club does. She asks what they do and Paula freezes, looking up in horror; she doesn't know. Barbara surmises she joined because she wants to be part of Blue Valley, so she should tell them how much the community means to her. Tim pokes his head into the office. He read the new proposal which excites her. He gives her a thumbs up but slowly turns his thumb down, remarking that it's slipping. He smirks that maybe she'll get it next time and leaves with a laugh. Paula scoffs at him, asking who the geek is. That's Barbara's new manager, Tim. He's the reason she'll be staying up late doing this proposal again. She sorry but has to get back to work. Paula, now distracted, understands and wishes her luck. Barbara returns the sentiment.

Over at The Pit Stop, Pat welds pieces for S.T.R.I.P.E. as Sylvester reads job ads out of the newspaper. Zeek chimes in that his second cousin has a pig farm - he could put a good word in for Sylvester. The man thanks him, but questions how this is difficult. He's just as employable as the other JSA members were. Pat hesitates, since Dr. Mid-Nite was a surgeon, which Sylvester finds icky, Hourman was chemist or lab nerd as Sylvester chimes, and the Green Lantern ran a broadcasting company. Sylvester thinks the entertainment business has a lot of headaches. Zeek asks for his family history. For himself, his granddad raised him in his salvage yard, so all he wanted to do was take broken stuff and make it work again. All Sylvester's parents gave him was a chip on his shoulder. They treated him and his sister like props to show off to their snooty friends. That's why he loved being Starman, because he wasn't a prop, but served a purpose as somebody important. Without that, he's nobody. The men quickly refute that theory as he is somebody. He's Starman. Zeek tells him that he he went to live with his grandparents after he was born. His mother dropped him off one day and told them "he cries too loud" and he never saw her again. His granddad passed along a thing or two. One thing he taught Zeek was how quick someone will write off a good thing. If someone doesn't work the way they want it to, they toss it away. They thing it's "junk" but it's not - junk is junk, but salvage is an opportunity to turn it into something new. Sylvester listens intently then quickly apologizes. He can get self-absorbed, asking if Zeek is still talking about car parts, or if it was a metaphor about him. Zeek tells him to figure it out. Pat tells him not to worry as they're going to get Sylvester on a good career path, a great job, all he has to do is keep a good attitude.

Courtney, Yolanda, Beth, Rick, and Cindy sit at the JSA table to discuss what Beth found out about the documents. The deposits made to The Gambler came via wire transfer from an Irwin Hasen, which is an alias for Lawrence Crock. She concludes The Gambler had been blackmailing the Crocks before his death. Courtney instructs them not to tell Sylvester, as he'll want to rush right in. Beth cheerfully points out he's like Courtney, who darts her eyes at her friend. She meant that he'll rush in like he did with The Shade. Rick thinks they should all rush in if they're guilty. Courtney laments they have to wait. Cindy asks what they're waiting for - Beth has solid evidence for murder. Courtney tells the team that just because The Gambler was blackmailing the Crocks doesn't mean they killed him. She looks over to Artemis who is sitting on a cafeteria table laughing with her friends. If they're going to take Artemis' parents away from her again, they have to be sure. The team is quiet as they agree to regroup with Pat and come up with a plan. Until then, they don't say a word to Sylvester.

The bell rings, signaling the end of class. Miss. Woods stops Cameron as he's leaving. She spoke with Mr. Deisinger, who told her that Cameron hasn't been painting. He also hasn't turned in his assignment to her today, which isn't like him. She asks if everything is alright. He claims things are fine, he's just been preoccupied. He asks to do the assignment tonight instead. She tells him not to worry about this one. She knows she considered the strictest teacher at Blue Valley. Even her coworkers avoid her at the lounge or at lunch. But she only puts up a wall because she's dealt with things, too, in school that she's carried. So if there's anything he would like to talk about, she's happy to listen. Cameron snaps harshly that he said he's fine, and to leave him alone. From the doorway, Rick calls out to Cameron, telling him not to be a jerk as she's only trying to help. Cameron glares at Rick then looks back to Miss. Woods, apologizing. She assures him that's quite all right. Rick steps into the room. Just because Cameron's a spoiled rich kid doesn't mean he can talk to people however he wants. Cameron already said he was sorry. Cameron starts to leave but Rick refuses to move, resulting in a rather strong shoulder-check that sets Cameron back. Miss. Woods calls out to the boys in a disciplinary tone. They stare at one another intensely with piercing looks. Rick warns that if Cameron talks to her like that again, he will be sorry. He questions "cool" and Cameron scoffs back "cool" before leaving the room. Rick looks up to Miss. Woods, who admonishes his actions. She knows his heart's in the right place, but calling Cameron names isn't going to help. He nods as he picks up his bag, merely replying with an okay.

Cameron angrily stalks through the parking lot. He sees Rick's yellow mustang in the lot and approaches it. He looks down at his hand makes a flicking motion. An icicle shoots out of his palm and impales the tire, flattening it. He keeps walking as it deflates.

Sylvester walks into the Whitmore-Dugan house as he rattles off job descriptions to Cosmo. The doorbell rings causing Cosmo to fly off into a closet to hide. He heads to the door and answers it, finding Cindy Burman on the other end. She greets him as Mr. Pemberton, asking for Courtney, who isn't back from school yet. She thought they were supposed to meet for a JSA meeting. He questions what it's about - how The Gambler's blackmailing the Crocks. She fakes surprise that they didn't tell him. She tells him not to take it personally as they leave her out of stuff too. She has a good idea - the two of them should go get the Crocks right now. He perks up as that sounds, terrible. He wouldn't work with Dragon King's demon spawn, which makes her deflate. He doesn't trust her anymore than he trusts the Crocks, The Shade, or did The Gambler. In fact, he trusts her less. She chuckles as she's a member of the Justice Society of America now. He eerily tells her to go find someone who's impressed by a dime-a-dozen cheerleader in green spandex with daddy issues. He's not her run-of-the-mill Blue Valley idiot - he's Starman. He warns her to be careful on the stairs with her shoes. If she falls, it'll be like falling off an overpass. He slams the door on her as she turns around slowly. Sylvester storms into the house and opens the basement door, whistling for Cosmo, who flies into his hand. He's ready to go get the Crocks. He leaves, unaware that Mike's eavesdropping on the entire conversation.

Across town, a perky cashier tells customers to make their way to the registers as the store is closing in five minutes. Paula and Larry shop in an aisle. He steals a bottle of sauce, tucking it into his jacket discreetly. Paula tells him to put it back, making him chuckle as it's a habit. She reminds him that the sodium content of that steak sauce alone will put him back in prison. He reminds her that everyone gets a cheat day. Sylvester appears at the end of the hall, questioning if they killed The Gambler on a cheat day. Or on a day like "The Purge", which he hasn't seen but read a summary online. Larry knows what the movie is, as they've both seen the films and thought they were hilarious. He demands to know what Pemberton is thinking, bringing the staff in here in public, concluding he's out of his mind. Sylvester knows The Gambler was blackmailing them and he knows they're the ones that killed him. Paula simply says they're shopping as the cashier reminds them the store is closing. Paula doesn't want to fight. Sylvester warns this is their last chance, earning a chuckle from Larry. He should go back to his basement and polish his little staff. Sylvester wants them to confess. The trio has a stare down until Sylvester sends a blast of cosmic energy at them, destroying their shopping cart.

Rick arrives late to the Pit Stop, something Pat points out. He apologizes as he had a flat. He looks up at Courtney who stands on the balcony with Yolanda and Beth. He asks if they're going after the Crocks. Courtney and Pat are going to talk to them, give them a chance to explain. They're just waiting for Cindy. Her phone rings with a call from Mike that shocks her.

Blasts of energy shoot through the market, destroying everything it touches. Scared customers scream and run out of the store to safety. Larry and Paula agree they were getting bored, anyway. Larry leaps over the aisle, narrowly missing another blast, as Paula slides around the aisle avoiding a blast. Sylvester leaps over the aisle with Cosmo, twirling the staff to create a swirl of energy. Paula uses Larry's arm as a springboard to jump across the aisle and land in front of Sylvester. They engage in combat until she falls, and Larry attacks. The trio battle it out in the aisles, using various objects from the store in their fight. He tosses Larry aside and turns to Paula, who is laying on the ground. He throws the staff towards her, though she dodges by doing a backbend. She smirks at him from upside down. She avoids more blasts by scaling the aisle, landing on a pile of paper towels, then leaping over the aisle to escape to another aisle.

She slides across the floor to Sylvester, ultimately getting him in a headlock on the ground. Larry recovers from his fall and picks up a wooden bat, greeting the old friend. Paula shouts at him to come on. He runs over and prepares to swing down on Sylvester. Cosmo flies under his feet and knocks him to the ground. It locks onto Sylvester's shoes and slides him and Paula backwards into a wall, giving him the upper hand once again. She dodges his attack and slides back to Larry's feet, assuming a fighting stance. Larry asks if he's done, but Sylvester isn't. He yells out to "eat this" and slams the end of the staff onto the ground, sending out a blast of cosmic energy that shatters the light fixtures, consuming his body in an aura of energy.

The trio square off once again, fighting it out until the Crocks grab the staff, kicking Sylvester away from it. He holds out his hand and pulls the staff to his grip, but this time, slams his forearm against the staff to knock his foes to the ground. He slams the staff downwards again, this time launching the Crocks out of the windows of the store and into the parking lot. He emerges from the store and blasts a beam of energy at the couple, who leap out of the way. It hits a car, triggering a huge explosion that hits another car, sending it flying across the lot in a ball of fire. Sylvester advances as the staff rises up to fly alongside him. The Crocks stand and prepare to fight again. The staff swells with energy and Sylvester is about to release a blast when S.T.R.I.P.E. lands on the ground - the fight is over. Sylvester keeps the staff pointed at S.T.R.I.P.E., who steps forward to stand in front of the Crock's. He tells Sylvester to walk away.

The Crock's and Whitmore-Dugan's assemble at the Whitmore-Dugan House, where Paula cracks Larry's shoulder into place. The Gambler was blackmailing them, that part is true. But they didn't kill him. They wanted to, but they stayed strong. He was blackmailing them for ISA crimes they didn't commit. Stuff other members didn't without them. They're dead now so they wouldn't have a chance in hell of proving their innocence. Pat reminds them that they're not all the innocence. Larry agrees as they're guilty of plenty of things. The admission makes the couple chuckle. Some of the crimes they even went to jail for. Truth be told, they wouldn't even be sitting there with their freedom if it weren't for a legal loophole. Pat thinks some people, like Sylvester, might call that just a little but unfair. Larry doesn't care what he says, as the guy is a freaking lunatic. Paula intervenes, as regardless, they couldn't risk going back to prisons, so they paid Sharpe. Courtney references the payments stopping two months ago. They admit the putz stopped blackmailing them. He didn't say why and they thought he was playing a new angle, then, he paid them back right before he died. Barbara brings them ice packs, while Courtney realizes Sharpe really was trying to be better. Paula and Larry didn't' realize that until after he was killed. Larry wants to get everything on the table, admitting he did pay Steve a visit the day he was murdered. When Sharpe showed up in Blue Valley spouting off his "turning over a new life" jambalaya jive talk, Larry didn't buy any of it. He figured he came back to start blackmailing them again so he drove out to his trailer to have a little talk with him. But he left before he did something stupid. Barbara asks why they didn't tell them this before. He admits he was trying to protect them from any unnecessary heat. Paula apologizes to Barbara, as they should have been honest with her. The last time they went to prison it nearly destroyed their family, not to mentioned the food - so many carbs. She asks that Barbara please believe her. They would never make the same mistake twice. Whoever killed Sharpe, it wasn't them. The front door opens and Sylvester was in with Cosmo. He sees the group and glares at them, heading to the basement. Pat excuses himself.

He follows Sylvester to the basement, instantly being chastised for stepping on front of Sylvester like that. He accuses Pat of choosing to protect them over him. He angrily reminds Pat that he's Sylvester sidekick, not theirs. Pat is nobody's sidekick, earning a snap remark in return. Pat presses that he's his friend, always has been. The Crocks didn't kill Gambler, and even if they had, this isn't the way to deal with things. Sylvester questions if he knows how to deal with things, angrily shouting that he let half the villains that killed their friends move in next door. Pat doesn't destroy everything around them because it sends the wrong message. Sylvester angrily asks who he's sending the wrong message to. Pat, concerned, admits it's to Courtney. When the staff first lit up for Courtney, she thought it was because Sylvester was her father. The reveal surprises Sylvester, and he questions why she would think that. Pat explains that Courtney's real father disappeared the same Christmas Eve that the JSA died. For her to think that her father's a superhero who sacrificed his life saving the world, that was a hell of a lot easier than knowing that it was just some guy that didn't love her and hit the road. Sylvester processes the information then softens, asking what happened to the guy. Pat doesn't know. He showed up in Blue Valley last year to get this locket that he'd given to her when she was a little girl, because it was worth some money. It also happened to be the thing that she cared the most about. So she gave it to him, he took it, and he left. Sylvester sits down with a sight, asking what Pat did. He knocked the man on his ass, which Sylvester thinks is good, though Pat's not proud of it. But that pain it'll never leave her, and that's why they gotta be there for her. Sylvester can't just be a friend to Courtney - he has to be like a father. She put him on a pedestal since she first picked up the staff. Whether Sylvester likes it or not, he has a responsibility to set an example to Courtney and all these kids. Not just to be a better man, but to be the Starman he set out to be. Sylvester doesn't know who he set out to be. He just feels like a crazy person now who blows up grocery stores. He doesn't even have his costume anymore. Pat reminds him that a costume doesn't make the man, but Sylvester thinks it's a start, and Pat agrees.

The next day at BVHS, Courtney tells her team the Crocks didn't kill The Gambler. They seemed pretty sincere, and the way the trailer was ripped apart isn't really their style. The can now rule out the Crocks, Grundy, and Shade. Yolanda asks about Cindy, since she did exactly what Courtney told her not to do by going straight to Sylvester. Cindy arrives just in time to hear Yolanda's remark. She didn't want to just sit around and do nothing. The Crocks looked guilty, so she wanted to take them down, and prove herself. She thought if the great Sylvester Pemberton gave her the seal of approval, they would too. Turns out, he's kind of an ass. Courtney stands up so she's at level with Cindy. If she does anything like that again, she's off the team. Cindy nods as she's got it. They all sit down together.

Paula takes the podium at the Blue Valley Women's Rotary Club, heavily breathing and struggling through her introduction and beginning of her speech. She stands there awkwardly until she hears the doors open. Looking up, she sees Barbara coming in, giving her an encouraging smile as she takes a seat. Paula straightens up and introduces herself, adding that she loves Blue Valley and the people in it. Barbara claps excitedly and beams, though quickly stops clapping when no one else joins in.

Now that school is over for the day, Courtney straightens up her locker when Cameron walks over. He apologizes for being a jerk to her and everyone, but most importantly, to her. She asks if everything is okay and he chuckles. Everyone has been asking him that lately. She asks if it is. He flexes his hand then admits he's not sure, but he isn't ready to talk about it just yet. He apologizes but she tells him it's okay. They don't have to talk about it. Thy can just go for a walk together if he wants. They progressively move closer to one another throughout the conversation, now only few feet apart as she looks up at him expectantly.

Sylvester sits on his bed thinking pensively. He opens Gambler's classified JSA file and looks through it. He glances up at Cosmo, adding they've come up empty again. He keeps thinking there must be something at the crime scene they all overlooked. He wants to go back with the staff and extends his hand to call it, but the staff warbles in response. Sylvester stops himself as it's not his turn with it. He has to respect the rules and be a better Starman.

Courtney and Cameron walk down Main Street in silence. She notices his distant look and playfully nudges him with her shoulder. He gives a small smile as she smirks mischievously. They pass the theater, now standing closer, though still in silence. Her fingers flex out towards his and they brush. He loops his pinky around her ring finger, but jerks away a few seconds later. They stop walking and she turns to look at him, her happy expression fading. He looks to her to say he has to go, apologizing. She tells him it's okay and he pauses for a minute, then walks away. She watches him leave with a sigh, before walking in the opposite direction.

Over at the Mahkent residence, Sofus and Lily rush through the hall as he pulls his jacket on. In Norwegian, she tells him to hurry, and he rushes out a "yes, my love" in response.

Sylvester puts on his jacket and tells Cosmo to wish him luck. He heads out of the house with a flashlight. Barbara hears the door and looks up before refocusing on the project in front of her.

Tim works late in The American Dream when he hears the whooshing of Paula leaping across the room. He turns but doesn't see her. She pops up behind him, greeting him. They need to talk about a friend of hers. He assumes it's about Sarah or Susan, or whatever her name is, advising Paula tell her to let it go. She scoffs that this is a different friend, approaching him with intent. A friend that he's going to be a whole lot nicer too.

Cindy works in her lab to crack Gambler's passwords, but still has no luck. The alarm blares as he laughs at her attempts. She shakes the laptop in frustration.

In a lair, TV monitors cover the walls with several different feeds. The meeting room at the American Dream, Richie Rock's, Barbara's office at The American Dream, Main Street, the BVHS cafeteria, Whitmore-Dugan residence, Cornhusker Estate, Pit Stop, the Chapel residence, and finally, one of the screens flickers to a live feed of the Sharpe trailer. Across from the wall, a black gloved hand clenches.

Sylvester arrives at the Sharpe trailer and shines the light around the destruction.

Pat works on sewing Sylvester a new suit, unaware when Mike peaks his head into the room. He sees his father working and closes the door over again.

Sylvester senses something behind him, and a giant shadow crawls up his back. The attacker snatches him from the ground and lifts him high into the air. His flashlight falls to the ground.

Pat finishes the suit and looks at it proudly. He gets up from his chair.

Sylvester's body falls from the sky, landing hard on the ground below. His face is bleeding and a gash on his nose leaves a trail of blood. As he lays unconscious, a roar echoes across the Estate.



Special Appearance[]

Guest Starring[]


Notes and Trivia[]

  • Merry King is indirectly mentioned for the second time this season by Sylvester. Both times she has not been referenced by name.
  • This episode marks the second time Rick and Cameron have interacted.
  • The woman that Sylvester orders coffee from in the beginning of the episode is named Sonia Sato. In the DC comics, Sonia goes by the alias Judomaster and is a member of the Justice Society of America.
  • The alias Larry Crock uses, Irwin Hasen, is based on the real-life cartoonist and comic artist who created Wildcat. He also had a long-run on Green Lantern. He most notably created the Dondi comic strip.
  • Cameron shows better control over his powers, even willingly creating an icicle to puncture the tire of Rick's mustang.
    • Cameron walking past Rick’s mustang and flattening the tire with an icicle parallels the events in "Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite" when Rick breaks the rearview mirror off his uncle's truck.
  • Sylvester tells Maria that Richie's has the best tea while the food - as he tells Yolanda - is terrible. This is the same sentiment The Shade shared.
  • Rick tells Beth that his uncle, Matt, has left Blue Valley. He doesn't know where he went, nor does her care enough to find out. This means that Rick is now living by himself and is responsible for himself.
  • Pat tells Sylvester about Courtney's father, Sam Kurtis, and how Courtney thought Sylvester was her biological father given that the Cosmic Staff, which supposedly can only work for Sylvester, works for her and that Sam disappeared from her life the same night that Starman allegedly died.





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Behind the Scenes[]




Season 3 - Frenemies
"The Murder" "The Suspects" "The Blackmail" "The Evidence" "The Thief" "The Betayal" "Infinity Inc. Part One" "Infinity Inc. Part Two" "The Monsters" "The Killer" " The Haunting" "The Last Will and Testament of Sylvester Pemberton" "The Reckoning"