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Chapter Nine: The Monsters[1] also titled Frenemies - Chapter Nine: The Monsters is the ninth episode of the third season of Stargirl, and the thirty-fifth episode overall. This episode aired on November 2, 2022 on The CW.


CONFRONTING THE TRUTH —  After a recent experience renews Courtney’s confidence, she sets out to make amends with those around her. Jakeem puts his foot down after Mike shares his latest plan. Finally, Beth makes a major discovery that leads to a terrifying battle no one saw coming.


Lily looks at an old photo album, staring at a picture as screaming echoes in her memories. The photo depicts a person burning on a wood pyre. She looks up at the portrait of Jordan, Christine, and young Cameron hanging on the wall. She gazes at the picture of herself, Sofus, and Cameron together in modern days. She closes the album and walks to Cameron's room, knocking on the door, but he doesn't answer. She walks in and sees his bed made. Sofus explains he went to the garden to practice his sculpture, which upsets her. She picks up a sketch and sneers that she said no more art. His duty is to his family. She angrily crumples up the sketch and throws it in a trash can, storming out. Sofus peers into the can, using his powers to open the crumpled paper, revealing a sketch of Courtney Whitmore.

Barbara nervously sits on the steps of the Whitmore-Dugan house, fighting back her emotions. The door opens and she lets out a sigh of relief at the sight of Courtney. She embraces her daughter, who she knows must be exhausted. Courtney isn't as they got some sleep on the bus. She asks where Yolanda is, and Barbara explains that she's in Courtney's room. The teen heads up the stairs and Barbara turns to her husband. He claims he's fine, but she knows he went to that place, The Shadowlands. She asks what he saw but he remains silent. She hugs him tightly and they hold one another.

Courtney walks into her room to find Yolanda sitting at the window seat. She stands and they stare at one another for a moment, before crossing the room and hugging tightly. Courtney begins to cry and they both apologize.

Barbara and Pat walk into the kitchen. He has to get down to The Pit Stop to suit up and help Sylvester on his hunt. She wants him to rest but he can't. They might have gotten the cameras down, but they still don't know who's been watching them. He needs to go help Sylvester. She stops him for a moment, because what he just went through, it's not normal for anyone. She tells him to please, just talk to her. He clears his throat then admits he saw his dad. He said the same twisted stuff he'd tell Pat when he was a kid. Only that's not what got to him. She asks what did, and he takes a moment before answering. That place made him feel like he's following in his father's footsteps by making Mike feel like he's not good enough. Barbara shoots that down instantly, as he shouldn't think that for one second. Mike is following in Pat's footsteps, not Mr. Dugan's. That why he's bright, strong, and kind. He knows Pat loves him. Pat admits he hasn't talked much about Mike's mom. They weren't together long, which of course, Barbara knows. He didn't even know about Mike until after they'd split up. But when he found out, he's never been so happy. There was nothing that was going to keep him from being in his life. They shared custody for a couple years. Until one day, a policeman knocked on the door with Mike. He'd been in a shelter overnight, alone, which worries Barbara. Maggie had left him there and didn't even turn up again until after she'd been arrested for possession. Pat got full custody and she didn't even put up a fight. She just walked away from Mike, who used to ask Pat if he could talk to her. He would say no and after a while, he just stopped asking. He thought he was protecting Mike by treating her like she didn't exist. But now he doesn't know if it was right, something Barbara understands. When Courtney's father came to Blue Valley, Barbara blamed herself for the hurt it caused her daughter. But she does think Courtney got some closure from it as it made her stronger, and the bond between them stronger. Sometimes, letting their kids face the pain is the only way to help them learn how to cope with it. Maybe Mike needs to see his mom again.

Yolanda and Courtney talk in her bedroom about Yolanda's parents. Courtney knew they were hard on her but never thought they'd kick her out. Yolanda isn't surprised as they assumed the worst and she couldn't defend herself. She can't tell them what she's actually out doing every night. They wouldn't understand any of what they do. Courtney tries to argue that she doesn't know that, but Yolanda knows she can't trust them. They'd tell people about everything just to try and control her life like they always do. She adds this isn't just about her secret, it's about Courtney's, Beth's, and Rick's. Courtney understands then changes the subjects - she needs to apologize to Rick and Beth too. But there's something else she wants to ask them. Before she does, she needs Yolanda's support, which confuses her. She asks what Courtney's talking about.

Over at Richie Rock's Diner, Jakeem and Mike are having breakfast while talking. Jakeem is ready to start delivering, but Mike wants to quit since they have more important things to do. Jakeem can't quit as his dad would kill him. Mike wants to figure out who planted those spy cameras before anyone else does. They'd win mega hero points. Jakeem isn't interested in the glory - Mike's sister and her friends will find the killer. He's more worried about Cindy, which shocks Mike. Jakeem argues that Cindy stood up for them, but they didn't stand up for her. She's out there alone turning into a crocodile. Thunderbolt wonders if she'll grow a tail. Mike ignores the imp and questions Jakeem if he really wants to skip out on all the glory, deliver the dumb papers, and go help Cindy with her reptile acne. Jakeem wonders if Thunderbolt could cure her. Helping her is the right thing to do - after they deliver the papers. After a moment of hesitation, Mike caves and agrees to help. Thunderbolt chimes in that as he has a tail, which is pretty useful. He can use it to point at things, balance, and it is incredibly attractive. He continues to ramble as the boys get up from their booth.

Mr. Deisinger approaches the Mahkent Residence, hesitantly knocking on the front door. Lily answers with Sofus lagging behind her. Mr. Deisinger nervously introduces himself as Cameron's art teacher, but their blank expressions make his jovial nature falter. He asks if he can come inside, and Lily silently opens the door for him. They sit in the office room as Paul compliments their wonderful home. The artwork looks like Cameron's, and Sofus explains they're his mother's. Paul can see where Cameron gets his talent. They have a seat while Paul tells them he's worried about Cameron since he quit art. Lily dismisses this as he has other things he's interested in now. Paul asks why, as Cameron has such passion for it. He knows losing his father was hard, but Lily sharply interrupts as he knows nothing. Sofus contains her with a touch. Paul apologizes as he only came to express his concern. He knows how much art means to Cameron, that it makes him happy, and he's dreamt about it. He can't stand by and watch him throw his artistic life away - he won't. In Norwegian, Lily tells Sofus she can't sit here any longer, but Sofus reasons with her that what this man says, it's important. She doesn't need to hear it. Sofus reasons that he's just trying to help their grandson, asking his love to please listen. She sneers that it isn't his business and raises her hand, her eyes freezing over. She shoots a shard of ice from her hand that impales Paul's chest. He falls back on the couch, dead. Lily leaves the room as it doesn't matter what the man said now - he's dead.

Pat sits at his workbench in The Pit Stop, pensively looking at his computer. He searches for Maggie Shaw, Reno and the results show Mike's mom. Crusher walks into the garage a moment later, wanting to check in, since he and his family were being spied on just like Pat. He can't wait to catch these peepers, as it'll be relief to cut loose after being on a leash for so long. He asks where Pemberton is, and Pat explains how Beh tracked the feed to a mine in Utah. Crusher questions what Pat is doing, then, and he merely says he's looking for someone. The radio crackles and he picks it up, greeting Sylvester. The search is terrible as he's hit another dead end. Beth thinks the signal is being masked since it's bouncing all over the place. Crusher picks up a piece of equipment and whispers what this is, and Pat whispers back to leave it alone. Sylvester is heading back unless Beth locks onto another lead. Pat tells him to be careful and he'll see him in a few hours. After a moment, Crusher asks Pat who he's looking for. Pat admits it's Mike's mom. Crusher asks why he's Googling the ex, though Pat just wants to figure out if she's in any shape to talk to Mike. It's kind of a long story, which Crusher wants to hear. Pat appreciates it, but no offense to him, but it's a little more complicated than cardio. Crusher softens a bit as Pat's gotta know by now that he can be trusted. So, he wants them to talk. Pat smiles at his friend, pleasantly surprised.

The JSA convenes at their usual lunch table, where Courtney once again apologizes for not telling them about Cameron, as it was never her intention to put him before them. Beth thanks her for the apology and accepts it, eyeing Rick when he's silent. The boy briskly nods they're good. Yolanda urges her to tell them the rest, making Rick shift in his seat. Courtney admits that she wants to tell Cameron everything, and Rick questions why she would want to do that. She can't be with him if she can't be honest with him about the JSA, about his father, or about her being Stargirl. She's asking for their support, but Rick quickly says no. She can't keep doing this to them. Every time she shares their secrets, it makes all of them less safe. Especially for that kid, all because Courtney likes him. He notices Courtney looking at Yolanda for support, and questions if she knew about this. She did, and he scoffs that she's gotta be kidding. Yolanda admits she was wrong about Cindy - not completely wrong, just a little wrong. Courtney wants to tell Cameron about who his dad really was and why they had to stop him. He can't spend the rest of his life never knowing anything. Courtney looks to her team, as she knows it's going to be hard, and she knows there's real risk here, but once they get through it, she has faith they will all heal. She needs to tell him the truth. Beth looks around the table and asks if they should vote. Rick tells her not to bother, leaning back in his chair. Courtney looks at him, hurt, but he averts his eyes emotionally. He tells her to do what she wants to do - he's got her back. He's got everyone's back here, no matter what. They all should know, because they're his family. Nothing will ever change that, but don't say he didn't warn her. He runs his finger along the hourglass as he quiets down.

Paula and Barbara stand in Ripped City in front of a heavy bag, wearing boxing gloves. Barbara isn't sure about this training exercise. Paula's going to start with the basic - how to shatter a man's spleen. She punches the bag to demonstrate, making Barbara cringe. She cautiously approaches the bag then stops, as violence was never her thing. Paula tells her to call it self-defense, then. In this town with a voyeuristic killer still on the loose, it's important Barbara is ready for any kind of attack. Barbara tries again but fails, turning back to Paula. She appreciates this, but she's not comfortable learning how to hurt someone. She's sorry, but this just is not her. Paula takes a breath then concedes as she understands. It means a lot to Barbara that she's trying to help her. She's a good friend. The sentiment lands with Paula, as no one's ever called her their friend before. Barbara's sure that's not true, and Paula simply smiles at her new friend.

The school bell rings and students file into classrooms. Mike checks the hallways then tells Jakeem that the coast is clear. They stand in front of a locker as Jakeem wishes that Cindy Burman's locker at Blue Valley High in Blue Valley, Nebraska, 68434, USA, would open very quietly. Thunderbolt happily obliges. The boys dump Cindy's belongings into a bathroom sink. Thunderbolt has to tell Jakeem that, ethically, this puts them in a gray area. He knows they're technically investigating this girl under the promise that might be a bad guy, but also, it looks like breaking and entering of a girl that he has a crush on, so this could be considered stalking. Jakeem finds metal cleaner in the bag, though Thunderbolt points out that someone with a giant knife in her arm might need it. The boy drops it, grossed out, while Mike asks why he can't just wish to know where she is. Jakeem, as Thunderbolt once again points out, can't wish for the same thing twice. He requests to go back in Jakeem's pocket because of the smell. Jakeem finds a list of places that he assumes are Cindy's father's laboratories, similar to the ones Sylvester checked out. All of the places are crossed off except one, the Etter Produce Farm. It's circled for some reason that they're going to find out why. Jakeem knows about the place as he heard stories about Mr. Etter selling moonshine to the seniors in town before he was busted by Officer Hardy. Mike has a feeling that this is it, their lead Detective Williams. It's time to go save the alligator girl.

Courtney walks to the Mahkent's front door, nervously knocking. A moment later, Cameron answers with a smile, greeting her happily. She asks to come in as they need to talk, and he opens the door for her to enter. In a trash can at the end of the house is Mr. Deisinger's wooden cane.

Yolanda, Beth, and Rick walk down Main Street. Yolanda muses that when this all started, she thought this would be easy, knowing the good guys from the bad. But she isn't sure anymore. Beth reminds her of what Courtney says about there being good and bad in everyone. Rick scoffs that some have more bad than others, though. He winces in pain, stopping on the sidewalk. Yolanda asks if he's okay, while Beth questions if it's the hourglass. He's fine, insisting it's just a headache, though Beth isn't so sure. The goggles continue to ring so she puts them on. He asks what's going on. She's been trying to lock into the signal from the camera, but it's been bouncing all around the country, sending Sylvester everywhere. The goggles show her information as she talks. This could just be another false lead, making her look around nervously. He asks where the signal is coming from, stating her name twice. The goggles pick up on his rising agitation levels. She nervously admits it's coming from inside the Mahkent house. Rick looks to Yolanda as she shakes her head.

Lily walks down the hall and hears Cameron talking to Courtney in the study. She stops to eavesdrop on the conversation. Courtney remarks that she never noticed the snowglobes before. His dad used to collect them. Every time he went on one of his business trips, he'd bring one back for Cameron, calling them trophies. Courtney nervously mentions he went on a lto of business trips. Cameron nods and sadly admits that sometimes when he wakes up, and his dad's not here, he thinks he's on a business trip. Then he remembers the truth. Courtney walks a few paces away before admitting she wants to talk to him about his father, specifically, about what happened to him. Cameron reiterates that he doesn't know much. He knows his dad was trying to do something to help the world, and he was killed for it. She slowly tells him that's not exactly what happened. She asks for him to please, just let her explain everything she's about to say before he says anything. He takes a deep breath than agrees, so Courtney readies herself. His father wasn't who Cameron thinks he was. Lily bursts in angrily declaring that's enough. Sofus joins and tries to stop her. Cameron moves next to Courtney, asking what's going on. Lily and Courtney lock eyes for a moment. Suddenly, the door smashes open as Hourman slides into the room below, shattering the door into piece. Cameron takes a few steps forward in front of Courtney, who looks at Hourman in surprise. The masked hero shouts up at Courtney that he warned her. He assumes a fighting stance and Lily steps forward. She sneers that the children will finally die for what they have done, her eyes freezing over.

Wildcat and Dr. Mid-Nite walk the perimeter of the Mahkent house. Wildcat wonders why Rick didn't wait for them, but Dr. Mid-Nite knows it's because he's not thinking straight. She starts to tell her about the hourglass, but Wildcat cuts her off, telling her to explain later. She scales the side of the house, telling a stunned Dr. Mid-Nite to just wait here, ignoring her protests. Wildcat knows that fighting's not her thing. She disappears and Dr. Mid-Nite and clenches her jaw, then heads around the side of the house.

Hourman shouts that these creepy old ghouls are the one who have been watching them. He attacks but Cameron blasts him aside with his powers, knocking him into a table. Courtney shouts out a no as she grabs and lowers Cameron's arm. Sofus pulls Lily out of the study as Cameron, stunned, tells Courtney they have to get out of here. She protests, as that's Rick, surprising Cameron even more. Hourman readies himself for another attack. Courtney yells at him to stop but he ignores her, charging forward and lifting Cameron over his head. Courtney is caught in the crossfire and sent flying across the room, smacking into the bookshelf, just as Hourman slams Cameron to the ground.

Sofus pulls Lily away as the sounds of fighting remain. Wildcat slides into the hallway and Lily jerks away from her husband, saying that's enough. Wildcat slowly stalks forward and Lily shoots an ice blast that Wildcat barely dodges. A second blast quickly follows, which Wildcat flips over, bracing herself on the wall afterwards. The opposing wall crumbles from the impact of the ice.

Sofus turns to another hallway just as Dr. Mid-Nite skitters to a halt. The goggles analyze Sofus and ring with a call from an unknown number, which she answers. James is on the other end, and she warns this isn't a good time. She questions how he even called her since she has him blocked. He called from a different number, a burner phone. Sofus tells her to leave them be. He slams his palm against the wall, sending a wave of ice her way. She ducks from shattering glass. James asks what the sound was, and it was bad guys. She hides behind a wall.

Wildcat fights against Lily, dodging her onslaught of ice blasts and matching her in close combat. She eventually flips the woman over her shoulder and kicks her down the hallway. She assumes a fighting stance, unsheathes her claws, then charges at Lily. The woman blasts herself upwards and freezes the hall, making Wildcat slide across it. Lily lands and blasts Wildcat, who charges at her again, with a blast of ice that sends her tumbling into the opposing wall. Wildcat flips back to her feet and charges again.

Sofus summons ice around his hands. James tells Dr. Mid-Nite to listen. He and her mom talked to Dr. McNider and learned everything that her suit can do - even the untested programs. Her goggles display the Mid-Nite protocol, as James tells her to activate combat mode. She repeats the mode and the goggles react to her verbal command, activating a beta trial, turning her lenses red. The AI warns her of an imminent attack, telling her to take cover. She does and narrowly avoids a blast. Sofus growls for her to get out, reaching for her. She pushes him aside and ducks under his arm, knocking him into a wall. The AI tells her to duck and roll, which she does, avoiding more attacks. The AI asks her to select a fighting style, presenting over a dozen options. She muses over the incredible aspects of combat mode. The goggles predict the next attack and where it will be located - a headshot. She ducks down and the blast misses. Sofus grabs her shoulder as the AI tells her to throw a left hook. She does and it lands on Sofus's chin. She quickly apologizes as she shakes her hand out. He rears back as he summons more power. The AI tells her to activate cape shield, and she twists her body, using the cape to cover herself. The ice blasts hit the cape and pushes her backwards, but otherwise, leaves her unharmed.

Lily and Wildcat continue their battle in the hallway, the force of which is enough to knock several books off the shelf. All the books land on Courtney's head, disorienting her. Hourman grabs a table and flips it aside, nearly hitting Courtney, who rolls out of the way. The boys engage in hand-to-hand combat as she shouts for Rick to stop. Hourman snaps Cameron's arm which makes the boy scream. He throws Cameron forward, sliding him into Courtney, knocking them both to the ground. They look at each other as they sit up. Hourman grabs a ladder and swings it at Cameron, who has one arm around Courtney. She shields her face as he projects an ice shield over them, leaning her against his leg. The ladder smashes against the ice and splinters into pieces, leaving the couple unharmed. This doesn't deter Hourman, who comes at them again. Cameron slides Courtney across the floor to safety, ducking under Hourman's attack. As he tries to stand, Hourman punches down at Cameron, who blocks it with a smaller ice shield around his hand. The pair are evenly matched as Cameron dodges and blocks each punch. He uses his powers to stun Hourman, who then counters with a punch. They both fall and Hourman tries to kick Cameron, who at the same time, sends an ice blast. The impact causes them both to fly over the railing and land in the room below. Hourman is on his knees in an instant, locking eyes with Cameron, who crouches. They charge at one another, yelling angrily.

Dr. Mid-Nite continues to fight Sofus, who blasts her to the ground. She struggles to sit up as he advances. Suddenly, Artemis leaps through the Mahkent window and knocks Sofus down from behind using a bat. She groans over old people being gross. She helps Dr. Mid-Nite to her feet, only for Sofus to blast them both down. He clutches his arm, groaning in pain as he limps off. Artemis puts her bat over Dr. Mid-Nite, telling Chapel to hold on. She kicks off the ground and stands them both up in a single move. She tells the nerd it's time to go.

Hourman and Cameron are evenly-matched now as they exchange punches. However, Hourman lands a hard punch in Cameron's ribs, making the boy double over. He follows up by punching Cameron to the floor. As Hourman recovers from his injuries, he looks at Cameron's still body.

Wildcat looks up at Lily who sends an ice shard her way. They continue to fight hand-to-hand, though Lily's usage of her powers makes it a difficult fight. She trips Wildcat then blasts her against a doorway, giving a steady stream of ice that covers Wildcat's torso.

Cameron leaps up as he recovers quickly, crouching down for another round. Hourman looks up slowly, a dark expression in his eyes. Cameron pushes his ice to the ground, using the blasts to propel himself upwards and through the air. Hourman reaches out a single hand and grabs Cameron by the chest. Courtney looks up from the mezzanine, her eyes widening at the sight.

Wildcat screams in pain as the ice covers her body and arms. Lily sends a final blast that knocks both Wildcat and the door down. She turns to the study where she sees Hourman choking Cameron. Courtney, who looks on in horror at the sight, quickly leaps to her feet and jumps over the railing. She yells for Rick to let him go, grabbing at his arm and tugging on him. He throws her aside without a second thought. She slams into the wall with enough force to make a cracking sound. Hourman turns back to Cameron, whose eyes dart to his girlfriend, bleeding on the floor. He clenches Hourman's arm, letting out a scream as he sends ice crawling up his arm and shoulder. Hourman drops him and Cameron quickly attacks him with ice, then freezes each of his feet to the ground. He blasts ice under Hourman, using it to slide under the hero, hit the wall, and launch himself into a flip. He braces his feet on the wall as he sends a blast of ice strong enough to knock Hourman to the ground. Lily watches with a smile.

Sofus fights Artemis as he flips her over his shoulder, breaking the arch of the hallway down. He limps off and sends a nonchalant blast of ice behind him that trips Dr. Mid-Nite.

Hourman struggles to his feet and Cameron kicks him in the torso, sending him back to the ground. Courtney watches as she struggles to regain her composure. Hourman crawls away from Cameron, who glares at the boy. Lily calls out for her grandson, catching his attention. She reveals they killed his father. He looks to Courtney who can't manage the words, though her emotional expression is the confirmation he needs. He swells with emotion as ice swirls around his body, his eyes freezing over. He blasts Hourman backwards with enough force to smash the stairs. Hourman lays there, weak, unable to breath well. Cameron holds out his hand which swirls with ice. Lily cheers from the sidelines, telling him to do it, as Hourman reaches his hand up weakly. Sofus enters and tells him to stop. This hate is what killed his father. His anger, his grief. He tells Cameron to not let them take control of him. Cameron looks to Hourman and then to Courtney. Sofus croaks out for him not to ignore love, then falls to the ground, clutching his arm. Wildcat, Artemis, and Dr. Mid-Nite enter the room. Cameron walks up to his grandma, sitting next to her. Courtney crawls over to the steps, managing to sit next to Rick.

Dr. Mid-Nite reads that Sofus is having a heart attack. She decides to call her mom, who tells her that Sofus's heart has stopped. James reminds her about the gloves, which double as defibrillators because of their power. The suit will insulate her, she just has to get everyone clear. She sends a shock through Sofus then another, successfully reviving him. The man groans as Lily holds his head, relieved that he's alive. Wildcat and Artemis share a look. Cameron holds Lily's shoulder as they look down at Sofus. He looks over at Courtney, who is crying. She looks away as Hourman croaks out that he's sorry. When the carnage rests, Beth calls 911.

Mike and Jakeem bike to Etter Produce Farm in the dark of night. They drop their bikes to the ground and takes a few steps forward. Jakeem remarks that it's creepy out here. Thunderbolt is an all-powerful genie in a pen, and even he's creeped out. Mike tells Jakeem to man up as he wants to find Cindy. He wonders why Dragon King would pick a low-tech farm for a high-tech lab. Jakeem explains that it's where the main power lines cross with the main water lines. Plus, it's remote, and the boys peek into the farmhouses front door. They don't see anything inside and determine no one's home. They can't see the dead body of Mr. Etter on the other side. They decide to check out back, seeing a barn several yards away. As they get closer, Jakeem muses they should have brought a flashlight. Mike reminds him that he has a living on, and Jakeem remembers, clicking the pen and calling The Thunderbolt forward.

The trio enter the barn, which is empty, as Thunderbolt wonders if they should even be doing this. It's not technically breaking and enter, but it is really creepy. He's seen this as a set piece for a lot of independent horror films, before. Jakeem doesn't think Cindy Burman would ever hole up here. Thunderbolt thinks she could do a lot with this place - open floor place, rustic decor, she could even open a B&B. Jakeem wonders if there's a secret laboratory underneath it or something, but Mike doesn't see anything but junk. They reach the end of the barn when a deep growling cuts through the still air. The trio freezes as the boys ask if that was Thunderbolt, who tenses as he doesn't growl - that's not his thing. They slowly turn around as heavy footsteps slam on the wooden floor, shaking the barn. A giant albino gorilla leaps forward and roars at them. They scream in terror and flee the scene, Thunderbolt zapping back into his pen. The gorilla continues to roar and then growls, promising to kill every last one of them.



Special Appearance By[]

Special Guest Star[]

Guest Starring[]



Notes and Trivia[]

  • Cameron learns the truth about the Justice Society of America in this episode.
  • Beth's suit displays several new functions, including combat mode, which allows her to fight alongside her team more effectively. She also uses the defibrillators in her gloves to revive Sofus Mahkent after he has a heart attack.
  • This is the first appearance of Ultra-Humanite's gorilla form body in Stargirl. This is the first live-action appearance of the character.
    • In the DC Comics, Ultra-Humanite is the first villain to appear in DC Comics, initially as a recurring foe to Superman. He is a mad scientist who transfers his brain into several different bodies, his most well-known being an Albino gorilla. Ultra-Humanite once clashed with the Justice Society of America, only to be defeated following Infinity Inc.'s intervention. He once used his brain transferring methods to transplant his brain into Johnny Thunder, effectively becoming the newest wielder of the Thunderbolt, until his eventual demise by Crimson Avenger.
  • Lily looking at the photo in the opening sequence is meant to show her family's past and how they've been historically oppressed.
  • This is the first episode where we see Cameron, Lily and Sofus get into a fight.





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Behind the Scenes[]




Season 3 - Frenemies
"The Murder" "The Suspects" "The Blackmail" "The Evidence" "The Thief" "The Betayal" "Infinity Inc. Part One" "Infinity Inc. Part Two" "The Monsters" "The Killer" " The Haunting" "The Last Will and Testament of Sylvester Pemberton" "The Reckoning"